2023 my year of DOMINANCE & RELEVANCE is here. It is my season to experience all of God’s favor and power to impact my world. I have a clear vision for my generation and I run effectively without distraction as I take over in every single aspect of my life.

I am whole with nothing missing or broken in my life. I am kept, helped and carried by the grace of God. I enjoy the unforced rhythm of God’s grace, resting and receiving at all time. I am God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus and totally free from guilt, condemnation and shame. I wear Jesus all the time and always bearing fruit of His righteousness.

I rest in God’s love, led by the Holy Spirit and always full of faith and power. I am blessed and never cursed. I am far from evil and well satisfied with long life. My entire family is blessed, whole and completely free from satanic oppression. I am gracious, generous and full of gratitude at all times. 

I am conscious of the ever abiding presence of God through His Spirit in me. So I declare that God is with me causing good things to happen in me, around me and through me throughout 2023.

I have an unusual capacity to dominate in my space, industry, generation and globally. I effectively represent God in my generation serving humanity with my God given purpose and gifts. I manifest the life of God consistently and I  dominate everywhere and in everything I do.