I am loved and favored by God. I know and believe God’s love for me, and I am more than a conqueror in life. I wear Jesus all the time and I embrace His gift of righteousness.

I function all the time from my position of rest. I have no care and I am totally free from every kind of fear. I receive directions to live a fulfilled life. I rejoice in the Lord regardless of life’s situations.

I live under grace and carried by the unforced rhythm that causes effortless transformation. Sin has lost its power over me. I dominate by grace and the God-kind of life is manifested in the different aspects of my life.

My angels are at work causing me to experience supernatural results at all times. I am protected, preserved and defended from all evils. I am positioned for supernatural increase and I succeed in all my ways.

I am the redeemed of the Lord. I am free from all curses. Lack, sicknesses and every expression of darkness is far from me. I dwell in the secret place and fully secured at the right hand of God.

I am spoiled by God everywhere in this new quarter. I am carried and sponsored by grace. I am in my rest and I constantly experience right place and right time in this new God ordained season.