I excitedly welcome the second half of 2024. It is indeed my better half of amazing testimonies, maximized opportunities, and fruitfulness.

I function and dominate effectively from my position of rest. What Jesus accomplished in His death and resurrection is my focus, contemplation, and reality. I am complete in Christ; fully purchased by His blood, unconditionally loved, highly favored, and empowered by His Spirit.

Jesus took my place in judgment and now I am forever justified as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I have a great high priest in Christ Jesus who represents me perfectly and flawlessly before God. Through the death of Christ, I am dead to the law, reconciled to God, joined with Christ to bear fruits unto God, and qualified to inherit as the heir of God.

I have the capacity to locate and effectively dig every well in my natural and spiritual lineage. I receive restoration of all things concerning God’s plan, purpose, and agenda for my life.

My Goshen experience is undeniable everywhere. I am saved by the incorruptible life of God. I am anointed for my new season and I have fresh oil to manifest uncommon greatness in my space, community, and the world at large. I am planted and rooted in my local church and so I flourish everywhere