I am fathered and loved by God. I abide in His presence consistently and I am fully aware of His care, love, provision and protection. My sins are forgiven and forgotten because of the blood Jesus shed on my behalf.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I relate with God as my father without any sense of condemnation, guilt, fear or shame. I am assisted and supernaturally guided in all my ways. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings, accepted in the beloved and favored in all my dealings.
I have angels assigned for my supernatural assistance. They carry me in their invisible hands to ensure that I am free from all harm. I enjoy uncommon favor in all my endeavors as I entertain angels constantly. They minister strength, provision, deliverance and everything covered in my salvation as provided by the finished work of Christ.
I am anointed with fresh oil and stay fervent in the spirit. The hand of the Lord is upon me causing me to win in every aspect of my life. The supernatural is my natural reality and I experience miracles and wonders on a consistent basis.
I am consecrated to God’s purpose. My gifts, talents and resources belong to God. My whole household consistently experience the whole spectrum of salvation with nothing missing or broken.
I advance forcefully against all odds. I am a blessing to my world. I run my race without distractions. The rain of God is here. Every aspect of my life, family and local church are under the influence of the intensity of God’s rain. My life is impactful and I am advancing everywhere.