I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am born of God and by the faith of God I overcome consistently. I believe the love that God has for me and I function from rest. I receive the abundance of God’s grace and the free gift of righteousness.

I am sensitive to the direction of God for my life. I see clearly, run swiftly and deliver massively.
I am not easily distracted but rather I focus on the agenda of God for my life, detached from every entanglement and I am empowered to fulfill all the prophecies over my life.

I have the blessing of God on me. I bring forth good fruit, multiply exceedingly, influence my environment positively, subdue every opposition and dominate everywhere. I am in harvest and I am unstoppable.

My family is blessed and the favor of God is evident in the lives of my offsprings. My whole household is protected and we experience wholeness in our health, finances and all the works of our hands. Angels are activated to effect every benefit of my salvation. My church family is prosperous and impactful in the community.

I am ending 2023 with uncommon testimonies. I see opportunities, avoid traps and I am seen by kings in my space. My faith is all out to receive what is mine in Christ Jesus. I make wise decisions and God’s hand is on my to produce unusual results. It is my season to dominate everywhere and I maximize God’s rain for this new season.